It took me 7 hours to drive there from Breanne's home and it was pretty cool to drive into, I have to admit. And I was told it was huge, I just had no idea. You can look at a pamphlet map all you want, it's never going to give you an accurate picture. We picked up Michael at the Orlando airport that evening and our vacation officially began!
Our first day at Animal Kingdom: Our hotel bus took us there and told us where they would be on the hour, for our return back. Great. Onward. To the masses of people in 90 something degree temperature, felt like 100 percent humidity. Oh no. I was exhausted before we even got into the gate. We were able to catch an indoor show of "it's a bugs life" and that was enjoyable. But back out to the heat. Breanne was not able to go on a majority of rides due to jarring and bumping and liabilities so I kept her company. Meaning I used that time to re-coup from the thousands of miles we walked to get to that ride. Yes, I said thousands. It felt like it. Roll in the horrible rainy, hot, thunder and lightening weather. Rides shut down. People get soaked and run into the shops to buy ponchos. Not me. By this time, I look like a drowned rat and I figured, one's going to see me again...what the h*ll. The thing walk forever to get to your ride, then wait forever to ride your ride. And in the meantime, you witness the most spectacular melt downs you have ever seen! I am talking SCREAMING children (not just crying, but directed AT the parents) full fledged out and out flailing of limbs and eyes closed meltdown~ Wow. Not a pretty sight. And I am talking about the parents taking this. What the heck? Every meltdown I saw...the parents did absolutely nothing. At. All. THAT should have been a show there......
At the end of our day, we headed back to where the bus said it would be. No bus. For about 35 minutes. Still no bus. So I called the resort. And the lady told me we had to take the monorail back. Uhm, there is no monorail there, so....... She also told me it was not possible that the bus took us straight there and dropped us off. Okaaaaay. In the meantime, Michael made friends with a group of Argentinian cheerleaders. They wanted volunteers to cheer with them and, yeah, my husband went willingly. Why was I not surprised? By this time, I am totally soaked to the bone, weary and just wanted to lie down. And not on a bus bench. Waiting for a bus that never came. Cue the Taxi cab. Back to the resort to recoup. Stay tuned as we begin another day at the most magical place on earth tomorrow.
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