Sooo, I haven't won the lottery yet which is why I am blogging again. If I had, I would be in Europe right now and YOU might have been with me!
But, back to reality. I DID read about some guy in the South that won a huge lottery couple of weeks back....and none too soon if you ask me. He is in desperate need of some teeth. Hey, as Muncy says, "I'm not sayin, I'm just sayin...." He even admitted he could buy himself some teeth now. All's well that ends well. ( As I'm watching International House Hunters whose clients have a budget of 3 million....reallllllly?)
For those of you who have been following my life and the drama that lives within, I am happy to report that I can breathe again. Hope and Joy have begun to creep back into Breanne's life .
She has moved on and looks forward now. As they say, "look thru the windshield, not in the rear view mirror". It's so hard to see how God intervenes and saves you from misery at the time. We see it now. Boy, do we see it now. Thank you God for saving us the heartache that was sure to hover over all our lives if that man had not been exposed for who he really is.
A new man in her life you say? Yes. How do I feel? I am cautious. I have been made that way by several men in my past. I put my trust and faith in them and they yank the rug out from under me. But, how can I not wish happiness for her? Believe it or not, there are some naysayers out there and I have little patience for them right now. I understand they do not want her to be devastated again. But, where were those people these last 8 weeks, with the exception of a FB post, or two at the most? Because if they were there, or with her at her home helping her through this, they could not possibly want anything but the smile she has on her face nowadays. Seriously people, she deserves nothing but happiness. Would be nice if you supported her in that. ( Thank you Muncy)
She has begun again. Me? Not so much. I am only human and boy, do I want revenge. I know, I know, ...get over being disapointed in me! I know "in God's time". Trouble is, I'm only human. And I want to see someone, just once, not walk away scott free from the turmoil they cause. Just once. (You with me Frances?) It's about accountability. Period.
So it might take me a bit to get over this . Not the person, mind you. But the broken promise and lack of integrity.
Because integrity is what I will be looking for in the future. Don't tell me, SHOW me.
Prove to me that I can trust you . And then it will be all good.
Mitchell will be graduating from Gonzaga University this coming Mother's Day. What a great gift for me! I am sooo looking forward to that milestone! Great job Mitch, I am so proud of you!
Ah yes, I can breathe again.
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